Charmaine Blake The Medium – Testimonials

Charmaine gave me a reading regarding my father, and it was very touching, a tearjerker if you know what I mean. She was able to tell me so much about him, our family, and things he wanted to tell me, she said he was coming in strong. The stuff she was saying, I could picture my pops telling me those things, including him saying for me to take care of my older brother. Charmaine mentioned I was supposed to have a sister and my sister is up there with my father, I asked my mom the next day and she said yes she had a miscarriage but she did not know the gender, so it probably was a sister. I had no idea my mom had a miscarriage, she kept it a secret.
It was a very touching reading and the feeling that I had inside during that reading and the days and months to come. Memorable. I felt changed, kind of like an out of body experience.
She was right on.
I thank her for the reading.

Rick Perez / Real Estate developer

I have seen Charmaine Blake perform her medium skills at social events on several occasions. She has been able to bring up past relatives without knowing anything about the individual! Participants were astonished by her accuracy and emotionally moved by the context of the message. Since those initial encounters, Charmaine has gone to restaurants where customers have recognized and approached her for her services while dining out! Wow, seeing a medium while feasting. Who would have ever thought such trending event would occur in 21st century?

Dr Jay Faber

Charmaine is beyond a gifted psychic reader. In a sea of psychic readers, I can truly state that she is a true Master in the art of mediumship, providing very detailed accurate and honest readings. 

How do I know this? Because I have known Charmaine for more than 20 years and over this long span of time, she has given me many readings, varying from matters of love, to my career as an Actress and most recently on the person who was dearest to me in my life. The laser accuracy with which Charmaine can reveal information about events is literally breathtaking, it will leave you speechless. She does not use cards or charts or tea leaves, she just looks at you and starts revealing what she sees and feels the situation to be. I have never asked Charmaine how she does what she does or how she knows what she knows, it would be like asking Beethoven how he wrote the 5th Symphony. Some things can just not be explained in life, but trust that what I am sharing with you is the honest truth. Charmaine was born with a special gift that only few people are graced with. For anyone seeking guidance I can tell you have come to the right place.

Alessandra Benjamin / Washington DC

Celebrity Readings

(Previously Read By Charmaine the Medium)